a comment to Jeevanmukta das: > Take the moon landing issue for instance. Our religious texts do not support the idea. Based on that, in a rare show of inexplicable defiance, the acharya has gone out on a limb to explicitly state that the moon landing is a hoax. In short, as per our SoT’s ideology, the moon landing cannot have happened. I didn't follow this discussion from its beginning so please excuse if that has already been mentioned but which religious texts are related to the moon landing? I don't know of any. Here're few Moon landing-related links showing some of the strange occurences around this issue: Houston, We Erased The Apollo 11 Tapes http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106637066 'Lost' Apollo 11 Moonwalk tapes restored http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/3827/lost-apollo-tapes-restored-and-broadcast Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8226075.stm Kubrick and Apollo http://www.conspirazzi.com/?cat=304 As far as ancient space travel records are concerned, check the book Dead Men's Secrets by Jonathan Gray. Then things like this will make sense: http://open.salon.com/blog/fred_pirone/2010/10/06/nasas_ufo_images_a_picture_is_worth_a_thousand_words > So ideally, we should NOT borrow bits from here and there and wholly believe in our particular SoT’s ideology. Ideally, we should build a fence around it to protect it from external influence. Ideally we should have ‘blind’ faith in our SoT’s ideology and ignore ideologies from other SoTs including that from the science camp. Again, where is this approach recommended? From the history of Vedic SoTs we see constant exchanges and debates to show the superiority of one argument over another, not fence-building. Srila Prabhupada wanted us to take an proactive stance toward modern science and much appreciated e.g. the challenge to 'scientist' A. Kovoor who couldn't experimentally prove abiogenesis. > That bit about water of the Ganges being transported in a fleet of airplanes down the celestial corridor all the way to the moon… I seriously doubt if it will make the cut. Multiple-headed gods…I do not think so. Blue God with Kandarpa-koti-kamaniya being the Supreme… What's inaccessible to anumana can't be evaluated by anumana. That makes airplane fleets with Ganga water impossible to research and evaluate due to lack of data. Multiple-headed gods and Blue God are supported by extra-Vedic accounts and iconography. See e.g. article by Rabbi Robert dos Santos Teixeira http://web.archive.org/web/20130605080414/http://vedicempire.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=97&Itemid=27 and works of dr. Wesley Williams http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.truthofgodinstitute.com/documents/* https://web.archive.org/web/20160111065431/http://drwesleywilliams.com/ > But the problem with the science SoT is that most consider it to be God’s voice booming across the ether! There is far too much reverence for it. I actually observe the opposite - that people are starting to wake up to the cheating and manipulation by modern science. Censorship, PC, confirmation bias, GMO pushing, estrogen pollution, medicine creating more diseases to make money (and suppressing actual cures), etc. When I want entertainment, I watch Dawkins or similar less-intelligent ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFT5BQXVikE > We believe in God and in the soul. But does science believe in God, in the soul? The answer is ‘no.’ We're supposed to _realize_ God and the soul. Science is about experiments in the material world. God and soul are beyond its purview. http://www.dandavats.com/?p=9224 http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/library/Jeevanmukta.txt